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DevOps Consultancy 

Accelerate product innovation and improve operational efficiency with our expert DevOps services and solutions.

DevOps consultancy benefits

Increase efficiency

Reduce outages

Greater scalability

 MakeCloud provides expert DevOps services for businesses looking to gain a competitive advantage by enhancing innovative technologies and solutions. We help businesses solve and manage complex technical challenges, in the most efficient way, to add long-lasting value and return on investment for our clients.

DevOps services & solutions

DevOps strategy

Infrastructure as code

Containers & Kubernetes

Automated pipelines (SDLC CI/CD)

Monitoring & alerting

DevOps & cloud security

Speak to one of our DevOps experts today.

Having MakeCloud as our cloud and DevOps partner has meant we can focus on our core competencies whilst leveraging their cloud skills whenever we need them. They do a great job and I’d recommend them to anyone.

Paul Wilton | CEO, Data Language

Ready to get started?

If you would like to know more about MakeCloud or have a project you would like to discuss with us, then please get in touch.

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